Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Stereo-Types...Speak On it!!

Image totally unrelated to the post!Dedication to you guys

Ndeipi Blogville!!

I watched He’s Just Not That Into You over the weekend, loved it! Now at the beginning of the movie you get women from all over the world giving excuses to why the guy didn’t call, and its only fair to have African women too…the African females are in a rural setting, doing their laundry and they start speaking…and its SHONA(by now you all know that's a Zimbabwean language right?If not...mnxiiii ie kissing my teeth Zim-style), yebo-yes, but it was badly pronounced, they said the wrong word that we guessed what they very own language was murdered in this movie!!I kissed my teeth and shouted out with my friend 'Haa Pfutsek!'1. So that’s how the world views Africa, wild animals roaming about and living in mud huts yup even in these trying and difficult times…Zimbabwe isn’t some village!! But then that’s the thing with stereo-types they aren’t always correct!

I have a few 'light-hearted' ones:

a) Big guys = big tings…(u know what I'm talking about!!)
Unfortunately for some Big guys = chipolatas!! My friend says some might have suffered ‘shrinkage’ after going to the gym and!

b) Sexy person = Sexy Voice
Gosh, have you ever seen some-one and given them an accent or a voice, deep, sensual, smooth and then from the moment they say ‘Hello’ that’s it??Its like wrong voice dude, wrong voice?

c) Sexy voice = Sexy Person
Some radio dee-jays have disappointed many a listener!!

d) Black Women = Big Booty
Not all black women have big booty...some have small don't even think about it!!

e) Short guys = compensatory behaviour, short-man syndrome, egotistical
Honestly I’m still on the fence with this one because some short guys have the arrogance of André the've been told that 'dynamite comes in small packages' so who knows *naughty grin on my face*wink*wink*

Over to you my darlings, any you would like to share?Love to you guys and as always happy sexing xoxo
'Haa Pfutsek' - is the Southern African version of 'Voertsek' which is Afrikaans for 'F-off'


bumight said...

babe, i think im first, lemme go read!

bumight said...

big guys can = small tins...too much steroids! dudes, lay off the poison!


i have been burnt seriously many times by b and c! kai!!

Roc said...

So the critiques panned the film.. So much for an experts opinion huh? I reckon short men tend to 'over'compensate with their attitudes hence come across as arrogant. And 'No' it's not personal experience.. :-)
Been fooled by the sexy voice though.. gotta admit.

Zayzee said...

lol @ bumight

let me see?

cute guy = wonderful manner
but his perception of women is bad.

Rebirth said...

sorry about ur lang they messed up...... i remember an episode of Lost that had a yoruba village and they made d language sound very funny...
on stereotypes, im a black woman and i dont ve a big booty :(
ive met short guys that r so arrogant, gosh!

(vixenchick) said...

hey! just dropping by to show some love!

~Sirius~ said...

Ha! Big men DO NOT equal big things, in fact i think it's totally opposite.

I have to watch that movie!

~Sirius~ said...

hey! Most or nearly all radio guys end up being a far cry from what you expect!

I agree with the short people syndrome, they have issues!

Shubby Doo said...

lol at how they murdered your language...think it was bourne identity that something similar happened in Yoruba…first time I ever heard Yoruba is a English film was ‘carry on jungle’…can you imagine…I was very young maybe like 8 yrs old so it just didn’t compute to me as a child cos people in my dad’s village, speaking Yoruba, didn’t live in the jungle!!!

i can't wait to see the flim...but it is our job to educate them sha...i used to get real pissy with in school when people asked if i swung from trees...when they found out my background was more privileged then they got pissy back.

big muscle men i hear equals small thing down there...

sexy face and not a sexy voice...example david beckham...need i say more

i got blessed with bootilicious so amen to that

the one i hear more often is african woman big breasts

*Diane* said...

I have been fooled by the sexy voice= sexy person oh so many times!!! And i still haven't seen He's just not into you, but maybe this weekend :-)

Anonymous said...

Number E is SOOOOOO TRUE! God save us from the Napoleon complex!
This is not a sterotype, it is a psychological fact boo. Sorry about the African thing. You wont believe what I heard from a ghanian a while ago. She said most of Africa thinks Nigerians are arrogant, corrupt and untrustworthy. Now, that is a hurtful sterotype. I am still fuming weeks later and everytime I see her I want to scream so now I just avoid her, otherwise my resolution to be graceful will just fly out the door. XOXOXO and happy sexing dear.

Afrobabe said...

lol...Dont think about what??? I've got a big one but I'll take ur tummy anyday...

sexy voice...Infact that will be my next experience I am yet to recover from....

Afrobabe said...

Some small guys are dynamite oh...sis better believe it...he is compensated elsewhere...

LusciousRon said...

I am black and I have a small booty. Big guys big sturves......hahhaha so not true.
Radio presenters always dissapoint me when I finally see them.

Nefertiti said...

Hmm, I've seen both sides of the coin on all the stereotypes.

I've seen a big guy with BIG ASS tin ;-), almost scary!

I've seen African chics with Flat asses, almost concave

I've see really sweet midgets. Some of them are indeed blessed ;-)

I had a guy interview me once, and I couldn't stay focused on technical terminology during the interview, cos I was busy imagining ripping his clothes off. His face and swagger was to die for. Too bad he was my boss :-(

I hate how the world views Africa. It's sometimes the media's fault, but we sometime perpetrate the stereotypes.

Kookie said...

that black women are these sexual fiends....I know a few friends of mine who are conservative...

That black men are fiends in the bedroom...oh how this has failed some women out there...

sha someone needs to change this whole in an african village if ku Harare there aren't people to ask?

Anonymous said...

Guess stereotypes exist because the 'experts' say that is what it is, and no one bothers to investigate for themselves... But then human behavior is so complex, and depends on so many variables that its often easier to just pick up the stereotype and work off it......rather than investigate the claims for themselves..

Jay said...

sexy voice=sexy not true...the small man thing...sometimes its true.

Angel said...

I found out the hard way that big men don’t mean big tings…

QMoney said...

that sexy voice is NOT = SEXY PERSON IS SOOOO TRUE.

Unknown said...

Streotypes are stereotypes for that reason...they are not always true.

Hope u've been gud?

Writefreak said...

stereotypes...hmmph, sometimes i'm guilty cos i see a short guy and i immediately he's suffering from a low self esteem or he's's wrong cos i've been proven wrong so many times, wait till i tell YOU about that interview! You this naughty girl!

Geebee said...

For one, I don’t believe in stereotypes. I believe it is ‘stupid’(sorry to say) to classify people based on one’s perception of an individual or a few individuals that happen to come from that setting. But then it can hardly be helped. I am guilty of this sometimes and tend to accept the general reasoning (makes me stupid as well sometimes, right?). For example, some would tell you that in Nigeria, the Ijebus are stingy people, Calabars or Akwa Iboms like sex a lot and the Fulani man loves his cattle above his wife and stuff . . . stereotypical reasoning that do not necessarily prove to be true in all situations

miz-cynic said...


Anonymous said...

saw ur post
u r memorable too na dnt wori wen I post d complete list of bangin blogs urs will b near d top....
On stereotypes, I hav a sexy voice n I'm cute so i guess i fit innit?

Buttercup said...

It really irks me how Africa is portrayed by them Westerners..even Kanye West who is of African descent portrayed us that way in his 'Love Lockdown' video..mscheeeeew!

Hmm stereotypes..its been said that quiet people r the most the most quiet person n im as meek as a lamb :)

bob-ij said...

I so need to watch that movie!... I agree with the radio presenter thing!... Some just don't live up to expectation.

Tairebabs said...

well i have heard "big hands big thing", we all know what people say about blondes. People say calabar girls (a tribe in nigeria) can "do it" in ways that can change a man's life forever (don't quote me o).

I can't wait to watch the movie. See the preview and I love it already.

Unknown said...

I have problems with that Kanye West video too. He probably has never even set one toenail in the Motherland in his entire life. I find the ones who perpetuate stereotypes about Africa are usually the ones who have never even visited the place.
I have heard about the Short Man Complex. However, I do know some wonderful men who are short in height and they are not like that at all.

Hadassah said...

haaa kunyepa! U am gonna have to check that movie out for sure!

Miss Definitely Maybe said...

Im yet to watch the movie
but I know plenty of stereotypes
some have a bit of truth in them though

ShonaVixen said...

@ Bumight - yes hon you are first!!Yay!! are right hon, it could be the steriods!!I so know what u are talking about sexy voice or sexy person...aaaah well..

@RocNaija - hmmm are u defending urself there so I Shona won't think you are short?Its ok, I'll still have!!!

@Uzezi - Yeah some cute guys just have this perception about women that it ends up making them 'ugly'

@Funms - I remember that Lost episode only that i didn't know what language it was!!

@vixenchick - hey fellow vixen thanks for dropping by!!

@Sirius - yeah some big men have small tings...must talk so big to make up for smaller!!Don't even get me started on radio presenters..some are a huge disappointment!Short people some of them have issues...

@Shubby - i totally agree with you that its our job to educate them that we all don't live in the bundu/bush..
Hmm African women - big breasts then i guess i'll have to say m not African!!

@Lady D - we all have been fooled by that one! Hope you've gotten to see the movie by now!!

@Temite - I love you hon and don't want u mad @ me so I won't say what some Zimbabweans say too...BUT note I don't believe in that stereo-type coz I know you've got great Naija folks here on Blogville and in my world!!

@Afro - LOL..U and your terrorist!!

@LusciousRon - Hon I'm small and I think my booty is right for my size!

@Neffie - naughty girl, naughty did you get the job??
And hmmm so blessed midgets...u know what I think m going to consider a short guy now...lmao!!!

@K - my point exactly - they could have gone to Harare, Bulawayo or even my lil town of Chinhoyi to film this not their pathetic attempt at Zim...

@Danny - yup thats stereo-types for you, and as I said above m going to 'investigate' the short guy dynamite, watch this space for an update..LOL!!!


Omo Oba, ki lo de? Na waaaaa ohhh.

* * *
Mii komment has bin safed, hand will be fiisible after di owner appruvaal.

ShonaVixen said...

@WordMerchant - i hear ya!!

@Angel - LOL!!Hon do!!

@QMoney - I guess a lot of us have experienced that one then!!

@Naijalines - I've been good hon!!

@Writefreak - you are not alone, m guilty as charged and that's why I've now promised to go out there and try the next short!!

@Geebee - I'm not Nigerian but i've heard the Akwa Ibom thing coz my friend is from there and guys would bug her!!

@Miz-cynic - LOL!!!!

@Qube - thank you I saw your update and u mentioned me...well done to you!!LOL!!

@Just Toluwa - yeah its a stereo-type coz some big guys really have big tings!!!

@Buttercup - where are my Balenciaga at hon?..LOL!!Kanye West really ticked me off too with his video!!

@Bob-lj - I hope you've managed to see the movie..and liked it!

@Tairebabs - Hey darling..i missed you!!!!!!!!Thank you for passing by!!! Hope you have also gone to see the star-studded movie!!

@Amanda - once again some-one giving me motivation to go after a short the short guys @..LOL!!

@Hadassah - Serious sha!'s how we say it!Hope you go and see it for yourself shamwa!!

@MDM - Welcome back mami..and did u see me being first n all on your blog!!LOL!!!

Jay said...

not post related: shona...i thought you were a naija babe..till afro pointed out that ur not!!!!!!!! they got you too..

ShonaVixen said...

@Wordmerchant - No offence to the Naija folks n before Temite attacks me..NO I'M NOT NAIJA I'M A PROUD ZIMBABWEAN FEMALE...U know what you've inspired my next post!!..LOL...and why are u n Afro gossiping about me?Wait let me call that Afro babe sef....

ShonaVixen said...

ooops just saw your last post..LMAO..gosh so you're Gambian?My grandma stays there..Nanga def? don't know how to spell Woloff!!

Jay said...

manghie fi!! ( i am fine)...shona, i didn't know you were my long long glad i found u :)

Tigeress said...

dang i am so behind on blogsville.

I totally agree with the black women with small booty- being one of them. But guess what- there is someone for everyone. lol!

As for short men, i'm anti short guys. my apologies to my short brodas on blogsville, but the ugliest attitdues i've received from men are the short ones. lol! Short-man syndrome indeed.