Wednesday, 25 February 2009

My Seasonal Boo(s)

This is the 2nd in a Trilogy of 'My Great Loves'
Your love is the warmth of summer, you’re the pick-me-up friend! How many a party have we attended? How many a laughter have we shared? Your love like the summer heat can be too much it will burn, but without it, we yearn for it! You have a knack to bring out the child in us your friends, you’re boisterous, you’re loud, you declare the attention but you never forget those important to you. You might get lost in yourself, yes Summer my friend you can be narcissistic, but let us tell you and you amend your ways. You've promised to do a happy dance/rain dance/'Buhle' dance when I get some happy sexing! is said in jest isn’t it Summer? You will say it sweetly, making sure no-one’s hurt, you choose the words all so careful, for after all you just want every-one to be happy!


My friend dearest Autumn. You prepare us for Winter’s harshness, you’re luke-warm. The impartial friend, you have no sides and fairness is your game. Even when I’m begging for you to tell me I’m right you outline where I’ve gone wrong and give me a solution…you could write a handbook on friendship for you are such a great friend that sometimes we forget to be YOUR friend and expect you to be our’ll stop calling just to see if we will call you back and you know we always do! Oooh Autumn, special autumn, even though you shed the beauty of Summer away, you’re prepping us for tougher times!


They say you’re harsh and brutal. Cold, dry and miserable but that’s because they don’t know that inside lies a hidden warmth. You’re the brutally honest friend, you don’t make it all rosy, harsh reality, constructive criticism I come to you for and guaranteed you’ll give it! Your heart is all mushy to those you’ve allowed in and without you they are lost! You’re the friend who encourages me to take a good look at myself, you keep me grounded, reminding me that should fame come my way, there are certain things I should never change!

Spring :

The friend that soothes me after Winter has been harsh to me!You remind me of the joys of friendship, that if there was never any conflict then it wouldn’t be friendship. You’re the pacifier, you resolve conflicts. The reliable friend who would give up the shirt on their back just to clothe a friend!
I don't use the term 'friend' loosely, to me friendship encompasses empathy, sympathy, truth, encouragement, being there for one another and mutual understanding!

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather! My seasonal boos, as another season blends in with the next, trees have their leaves back, the flowers show off their beauty, we all accept that in order to be who we are, and to get on as we do its because of the different elements of our own individual beauty that make our bond so strong! To all my friends I love you!! I’ve also made some great friends here on Blogville, you guys are ya..and as always Happy Sexing xoxo


Rita said...

ShonaVixen, would I be right to say you've outdone yourself with this post? I am so loving it. This is so beautiful...

Jay said...

Am i furst!!!!!

Jay said...

Comment probably 50th!!

Blogsville is great!! love it to much, its amazing the people you meet here and the empathy you receive. Sometimes you feel like all the people around you cannot hear your cries...step into blogsville and all your pally's are here ready to hear you out. Wonderful

Happy sexing miss shona!! lol

ShonaVixen said...

@Rita - why thank you my dahling!!!! And I'm so blushing..i just might have outdone!!

@Wordmerchant..ooops right got there before you, but hey @ least you're not numero 50!!
Yup Blogville is great and I love it, I've actually made some great friends who now know me beyond Blogville!!
Hmmm 'Happy Sexing' indeed..who knows maybe soon..LOL!!

Rebirth said...

wow, this is nice...... i love the winter paragraph.... thats d kind of friendship i want.......

Michael Horvath said...

Wow! I've never seen anything like this before. I love the way you broke it down into seasons. Very positive in it's message as well. Very cool!

ShonaVixen said...

@Funms - thanks girl...and I have two WINTER friends, one's a guy too..they're great!
@Miles/Hr - Thank you very much!!I guess I wrote this from the heart and wiv my special ones in mind!!

Kookie said...

Summer gotta love them! So which friend are you love? I think i am an Autumn friend....happy sexing to you my dear...its lent for me 40 days of abstaining from things that will corrupt me....still trying to figure out if blogville is included

Anonymous said...

yes miss shona! you've outdone yourself apa shamwari! This is one of your bestest! I love all them seasonal friends and i couldnt live without my summer, autumn, winter, spring... Do you wanna know what season you resemble???

u will be happy sexed soon, i know it!!!

ShonaVixen said...

@K - yeah its Lent for me, so no alcohol, very, VERY hard as m hosting a surprise bday party this Saturday...and well sexing has been dry season pour moi already so can't give up what m not!
I really think I'm a mix of winter n spring!!

@Audzz - wow, my honest critique says this is one of my bestest..see i wasn't emailing you coz i was cooking this up!!!
Hmmm so go on and tell me which season I am!!

ShonaVixen said...

and yeah I will be happy sexing soon...'good things come to those who wait'..ROFLMAO...LOL!!Gosh I should stop saying that line now ...

Anonymous said...

i's bout to say ibva! pfutseke i aint gon tell u but u know yourself too well shona!

You're winter, then a touch of spring, summer and autumn! In that order (as far as i know) :)
Love you to pieces!!!

ShonaVixen said...

wena Audzz, pfutseke to mina??Haikona,Nixxx kuramba!!
See I knew you'd mention Winter!!Sigh..this honesty ish of mine..I love u 2 my Summery one n nxt weekend we party like its

Anonymous said...

aww, see this post got me all mushy mushy bout friendship...
Yebo yes i'll be sipping on a drank or two whilst u sober! but its all good.

ibiluv said...

enjoy your seasons dearie

ShonaVixen said...

@Audzz - Yeah you'll have to drink on my behalf too..Patron on ice, Alize, amaretto, n more!!Gosh do i really wanna give up drink for lent??40days n 40nites is it??When's easter again?..LOL!!

@Ibiluv - not only do i enjoy my loves them loooong

Nefertiti said...

Aww, so beautiful, Shona. I think I'm everything all rolled into one. I can be whateva my friends need at the moment. What season are u?

Anonymous said...

wow... well said, could be useful in categorizing people too....

er.. did you always have comment moderation on?

Anonymous said...

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating;...." Shona Vixen is entertaining.

Hadassah said...

I don't use the term 'friend' loosely, to me friendship encompasses empathy, sympathy, truth, encouragement, being there for one another and mutual understanding!

I love this !!!! its so true

Anonymous said...

well. This was really brilliant. But I think no one is ever completely one season. we all blend and change and become which season is neccessary. SO Shona, what kind of season are you?
I think I am the perfect blend of summer and winter. One minute trying to get you to see yourself clearly and the other minute being my narcisistic self. Well happy sexing to you to my dear.

LovePaprika said...

a new perspective shona!!! happy sexing! loves it!

LovePaprika said...

a new perspective shona!!! happy sexing! loves it!

ShonaVixen said...

@Neffie - M winter, wv some autumn and some spring too...and I can be summery...right about now m in the summery mode!!

@Danny - why thank you kind sir!! And yes we can use it to categorize people not just our friends..actually that was the initial name of my book and I'd thought of people/characters as u got it Danny!!U done studying? I've always had comment moderation why?

@Rethots - Wow!! Take that attitude to the voting polls and get me some awards dear!!

@Haddash - thank you hon!!

@Temite - thank u, thank u ma dahling!!Hmm I'm definitely Winter wiv a blend of autumn, spring and a bit of summer too..And yes soon u shall all be hearing about ultra happy sexing!!!..LOL..

@Miss Love - thank u boo, and yeah happy sexing shall be happening this space!!!*wink*

~Sirius~ said...

Awwww...............I love this post!


PS: Permission to Save Post?

Buttercup said...

wow..i really loved this!

ShonaVixen said...

@Ms Sirius - I love u right back *said in Mariah Carey voice*. And you can save post IF you go and vote for moi!!lol!! of course you can hon!!

@Ms Buttercup - hey girl!!!thank u very much et errr where are my Balenciaga sandals??

Anonymous said...

@ShonaVixen.. I must be flummoxed by something, cos i don't seem to remember comment moderation.. Downed my exams in january... Currently waiting to see how they went.....Looks like you have the makings of a great book here.. Good one!

H2O-works said...

1st time here, and I must say, this is a great assured I'll be a regular visitor here...friendship is such a beautiful thing, often times we take it for granted...this is a soothing reminder that it's ok to have friends that are somewhat different from us because we are part of our friends and our friends are part of us...thanks for sharing



This was exactly what I needed to read after my exhausting day. Thanks, girl!

Zayzee said...

blogville is great. and every whether was created for a purpose. there is nothing God created that is not beneficial to us. if we check closely, we will see it is true

Zayzee said...

and in all things He created, we can related to our lives, just as u cleary stated. apart from friends, even family members can be categorised into this also. i know planty winter relations

Robyn.K.Y said...

this reminds me of four seasons by Boys to men.

Roc said...

what can i possibly says that everyone else hasn't..?
Great post..
I'd be looking to borrow your 'rose-tinted' specs sooner than you think..

Afrobabe said...

wow...this needs to be published girl...

its really great..

Bondgirl said...

OOOOOh I'm, you got me down pat there. CG is a mix of Winter and Spring.

Muri right here?
Tete Shona...Black is anopenga @ 10pm he has a craving in his words "sadza, nyama and rape in that order" and he's looking at me like I'm about to get up and start cooking! msssccccheeeeeeewwwww..hope you are well! kisses!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

omg....nicely written!too many talented writer on blogville

Happy sexing to you to o!lol

Joy Akut said...

okay, i cant hold it anymore....I LOVE the most on sexual way possible(so no happy sexing for u with me:)

but seriously, u write so well...

ShonaVixen said...

@Danny - well,i guess the concept of season was applied!And m sure you did well in those exams!

@H2O - Welcome and thank u!!And I sure hope you'll keep on coming again and again and again!!

@MamaBomboy!! - Coming from you I'm honoured!!Thank you and howz my man Bomboooy??

@Uzezi - yeah besides friendships this season interpretation is applicable in many aspects of our lives!

@Robyn - gosh i'd forgotten about that song..i liked the video!Off to YOUTUBE to watch it!!

@RocNaija - thank u very much..such a shame i can't post on ur blog whilst @ work and when i get home I forget!!!U're welcome to the specs

@Afro - thank you my terrorist loving i can't help it! will get it published one day!!

ShonaVixen said...

@Bondgirl - My darling muroora i just hope you gave my brother all that he was craving!! Gosh m so craving Biltong, maybe I'll get Vimbai to send it!!Mona that sadza mushe muroora!

@Pink Satin - thank you and wiv the number of people wishing me happy sexing, me thinks my next post shall be titled 'HAPPY SEXING!'..LOL..

@Fantasy Queen - thank you darling and I love you too in a non-happy sexing way too...lmao...this happy sexing thing sef, about time it happened ne?

Angel said...

Oh darling what a lovely post! how creative and inspirational!

You are a great writer!

Tigeress said...

Love u too babes! :)

Writefreak said...

Beautiful post Shona! Love the allegory...
Love ya right back!

Kookie said...

I don't know if my comment went through because when I went through to post it dhemmit it said I had to do it again...

Anyway trial #2:

I hope you get better soon (you wrote on Tigeress's blog you were down with Laryngitis) and look after yourself in the mean time mucho love xxxx

Tari. N said...

Hey...i love your blog..
just stopping by to show sum love!!!!!!!!!
I love what i've discovered and i'll be back..
Later Babes!!

Parakeet said...

They say brains and beauty dont go to together. You embody that and some.

Kudos sis...see u soon.

Anonymous said...

Laryngitis dude?! Aww cholly myann.. I was wondering why i was getting no love from big sisi.. Even left ya a voicemail. Dont you make me worry like dat! Drop an sms at least next time! Get well soon boo

ShonaVixen said...

@Angel - thanx darling!!!

@Tigeress - Love always boo, love always!!

@Writefreak - love u boo and thank u xxx

@K - Thanks my darling and am still very voiceless!!

@Fashinga - thanks for stopping by and do come again and again and again!!!

@Parakeet - Love u girl and yup seeing you soon for sho!!!Thank u, thank u, coming from you it means a LOT!!!


Aboki, make you vote for me for winner of The Worthless And Meaningless Naija Bloggers Award (a.k.a Backlink Generator). I go give you flenty, flenty contract to build Internet Super Expressway. My Award is in your hands.

Buttercup said...

hey u feeling? i saw u wrote on someone's blog saying u werent feeling good..

ShonaVixen said...

@Audzz - sorry boo, doing a disappearing act like that and not getting back to you boo..sorry hon!!Your big sisi is still tryna get her voice back, actually lemme just call u boo..

@SecretDiary - I will vote for you hon!!!not just once but plenty plenty!!

@Buttercup - hey hon, m getting better boo my voice is actually coming back hon xoxo

Geebee said...

Part 2 of the trilogy hits me like a grand slam. Wao, another superb piece. The separation and existence of seasons are just another evidence to God’s awesome strength. Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer (In Naija, it’s Dry and Wet season) . . . they all have their downsides but in all, we can hardly do without them one way or the other. They are indeed ‘Great Loves’

naijaleta said...

People say I'm strange whenever I tell them that I prefer winter to summer. One thing I love about winter is the fact that the nights are longer. This makes you sleep for a longer period. The sun is gonna start coming up at 4a.m now and I really hate that. Not to talk of hay fever.

Anonymous said...

I'm just going to echo what's already said... this piece is brilliant. I absolutely love it.

Bibi said...

very good. and insightful too. i'm a first timer but i like what i see and i will definitely be back. nice one

Jay said...

hey girl..hope your feeling better now, get well soon xx

Rebirth said...

hey Shona, just checking up on you.... take care


wow, can't believe I only red this today. Very lovely, Ms. Shona. How you dey?

Admin said...

Like I told you over the weekend....DAMN!!!!

Where does the inspiration come from when you write girl? Very poetic and so on point. I was thinking about my friends when reading this and thinking...nope, nope, nope, nope...LOL. Cha!! you know from my rants I leave those girls to do their thing and concentrate on being my own Four Seasons to myself.

Off topic: you do NOT look your age at all!!!!!!