Does it start from lust then with time it grows to love??? Whats your take on it all?Love and lust are a healthy combo?Is it lust that blinds people and they think its love?Where do we draw the line?Is it really love that allows some to invite a convicted felon(eg attempted murder)into their hearts?Because love says see the good in people?People change..right??Foolish love or foolish lust??Can there be love without lust?
Sorry y'all this post is rather short, I'm kinda busy but didnt want to neglect you guys(half a loaf is better than none..lol.), I'm putting Miss Buttercup on blast..she's promised to get me those multi-coloured Balenciaga sandals(yes, I'm going to keep talking about them..lol), and I've promised to stalk her till she gets them for me...damn those shoes are just orgasmic...talking of orgasmic its official its been ages y'all, my eyes are drifting to the nether regions when talking to guys..ok I might have done that sometimes but now its just out of control.Guess my engine needs a complete overhaul and some lusting..lol..ah well...
My dearies talk to Shona and as always happy sexing(eg Bondgirl)!xoxo
PS:When I do my next update my man Barack might be in the White House!Go Barack, those in America - please vote!! Lewis Hamilton might also make history this weekend...gots to love the brothas!!!
UPDATE: LEWIS HAMILTON IS F1 CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!Now just waiting for Tuesday!!
UPDATE 05/11/08 : Chelsea lost to Roma last nite, I was bummed but I'M OFFICIALLY OBAMAFIED!!!Barack Hussein Obama the Leo did it!A change has arrived and i just shudder to think how many lil babies are going to be named Barack or Obama...gosh Barack you made me cry this morning and now wouldnt it be just icing on the cake if you and Madiba said an inspirational speech together?!?Wouldnt that be something?!?...Folks go and be Obamafied..the Audacity of Hope got us smiling today!!
pls let me be first!!!!!!!!!!!
hmmm love and lust. i think it starts from lust and hopefully love takes over....... ive been going thru a drought too. Lord help us! Go Obama!!!!
Yay! Second! I'm getting there. Look out, funms.
I think it's different depending on who you ask. I think it's mostly lust for me though. ;-) Don't worry about keeping your 'eye on the ball' It happens to the best of us... lol
forget love and lust
fastforward staright to your nether regions and why you havent been getting any!!!!
hey dont get any ideas I want to be no where near/within 6km of your nether regions lol
But am i missing something here Sho, thought there was a Mr Vixen lurking about someonewhere in the background and inbetween law school blogging the part time job and playing scrabble with Afro on the net (see I keep tabs on ya) Mr Vixen was shooting you straight to the stars and the heavenly realms???
I demand to know what is/has been going on
and i demand to know that now!!!!!
(dont mind me I havent been laid in a loooooooooooong ass time
Hmmmm, difficult to tell sometimes. I'd say it simply starts with an attraction, not necessarily physical. Could be an aura kinda thing... like spiritual ...just drawn to them. I know that was what it was with my king. I just felt drawn to him but it certainly was not physical, just something about his presence, his aura.
I think 'am second.
Anyway, talking about love (I am in love so I am happy to comment). In the past I would have said it starts with a tiny crush, then lust then if we are lucky love but now I say it starts with friendship, then admiration then crush, lust and love...I think...
Yes, Barrack...a couple of more days now. please people vote!!!!
Shona, you this vixen! ahn ahn! I think lust is what pulls you in but the soul of the individual is what makes you stay and fall in love with them. I so feel you on the drought business, I so need it but I have 6 weeks to go. Urghhhh!!
and errr Is burazzz giving away shoes! Burazzzz - where is my own? ehn? I want the sandals too I beg!
i dont think lust develops into luv. guess it is wat it is. but maybe sometimes it does.
Obama!!!!!!!!!! Obama!!!!!I pray he wins ooo. it wont be funny @ all if he doesnt (God forbid!!!!!!)
2nnnnddddddddddd. me i dont know the ans. to the riddle o. i dont believe in love at first sight o. but i guess both ingredients are necessary jare for tendder mind blowing sex.
2nd!yay... i think we both need a little bit of both... nether region?lol... k maybe u need lust t satisfy that in the mean time
LOL@ MDM......I guess it's different for each individual, I hardly have any lust feelings, and I think love and lust is a nice combo- helps keep the excitement in the relationship- I think.
O-B-A-M-A Rocks!
@ funms - well done hon - first heh?..lol...yeah this drought is giving me 'tension' headaches..lol!!Obama better win!!
@Nefertiti - 2nd!! You're on ur way to the number 1 spot i see!!lmao @ eye on the ball..lol..
@MDM - lol...ok hon the 411 on Shona Vixen is I havent been getting any, all my stocks(if ever i had any..lol..) are depleted, nada @ all even for lusting..sigh..i really need to do somthing about this!!!Mr Vixen is non-existent boo, I actually need to find the ying for my yang, the funk in my blues, the ghetto kama sutra guru, the one who'll have me crying out to the Lord..yes I needs to get some!!..lol...the job is full-time, law school part-time and Afro has gone MIA on me...i really dont know where she's @!!and you havent been laid in ages but @ least you have the chance to wiv the dreadlock cutie ne??
@Naijalines - na that aura that i need to find o...lol...
Tairebabs - hmmm hon actually you're 5th which means @ least u're in the top 5..lol..i kinda agree wiv you, somewhere somehow lust is in the equation i think!!
@Temite - Yes, m that Vixen!!..LOL..why 6 weeks?? and no she's not giving away free shoes..lol..before you get her to withdraw her promise!!No go backs Miss Buttercup..lol...
@Naijaidol - Obama has to make history...imagine the number of babies that are going to be called Barack in Africa if he wins??...LMAO...
@Mizcynic - hon, sorry but you're not on the number 2 spot, try harder next time!!..lol...and i think we on the same page: both ingredients are necessary!!
@Tales&Tallies - ok this 2nd spot had many claimants..lol..m sorry i guess its this comment approval that i have in place...sorry hon!!Hmm as i was saying to MDM all my stocks are depleted, so no potential lusting in the horizon for me @ all...sigh...
@sirius - yes OBAMA ROCKS!!!
Hey babe! Whats really good China? Eish Love and Lust hey? Ah you know what the gwaan is there with em at the moment but honestly I think your Love for someone can make you lust after them more than usual. That said if you Lust first does not mean you can not love that person it just depends on how you view that person. If their body is their only redeeming quality then I doubt your lust will turn to love.
I guess its just one of those things where they both start with L but end with totally different intentions.
Shona, how dare you?!?! How dare you call MY MAN your man??? Oya, go & edit it and remove that nonsense from your blog. He is my boo!
Back 2 the post...
All I know is that lust is very, very important in a relationship. But somehow, we don't like accepting the fact that it is.
Hmm...love is one thing I hate talking about because it's so confusing...but lust I like a lot because its passionate and consuming and takes you to places...then it leaves and takes you to the deepest depth of pain and regret. But everything happens so fast you forget about it easily. Love on the other hand lingers on and on, prolonging its pain and regrets...who needs that eh?
@Vera..abeg your man ko your man ni?(lol..is that how u say it..lol)gurl hush your mouth!!I'm deleting nothing @ all!!..lol...well Barack isnt really mine, mine, he's 'my man'(saying this in the Denzel Washington voice in American Gangster)
and amen to that lust is vvv IMPORTANT in a relationship...yeah there should be a 'I lust for you' hallmark card...lol
@Bondgirl..yes china you are so right and havent you been lusting like mad these days??lol
@Parakeet - hmmm who needs love??everybody i guess but i really do like ur take on it all...lust is a short-stay visitor, who burns you out quickly and love like festering, growing with the outcome never guaranteed sometimes!!
I have lusted for someone .....and then later wanted him to myself so so bad. Hmm, but there is a great age difference so thats kills that.
how are you sweets?
Lust is extreme poison and one side always end up falling in too deep and there always someone who get hurt, Lucky am not on draught at present but seems like am heading that way coz i dont want to "commit" LOL, story of my life
@Kin'shar - hmm dont they say age aint nothing but a number??but then again i always have something about age differences..lol...M doing good hon and am going out 2nite after a hiatus...its on!!!LOL...
@Mr Niceguy -lust is both poison and a vital ingredient too...Lucky for some henh who are lusting non-stop and afraid to committ hey??...lol...but yeah i think m a commitment phobe myself who's in denial by saying 'i get bored easily'...my next post i guess..Nway enjoy it whilst you still getting it!!
Lust, love two seemingly 'interchanging' words. However, love sure is dynamic.......it grows in proportion to the investment made on it.
Can u look @ your wife/hubby lustfully?
obama 08!!! how are you?
lust and love are easily confused but i believe they are totally different...totally
i am so with naijalines on this one.
Where art thou?
...call me B.S.Coco 4 the nyt...well wot say me?
basically, I reckon there'z big diff btwn the 2 yeah!!!
LUST- can feel so wrong; so dirty/filthy; risky/dangerous; moreish...the list goes on...
LOVE- feels so ryt; clean; open bt IT CAN HURT...so there's mo cons than pros on the latter...
Kp on kpin on Sho!!!
@rethots - i do agree with you on that love is dynamic but it seems some remain in that lust phase and confuse it wiv love..me thinks anyway...
@Oluwadee - hmmm good question..food for thought i guess. Lemme see 'And then as i looked @ him lovingly, i felt this gush of fire deep inside, i also lusted for him!'...could do hey??..lol...
@Unwritten - m still up getting the updates n all...when i wake up in the morn Obama better be heading for Washington in January..Go Barack!!
@Aloted : Yes they are totally different and i think most people misuse the love word...as Musiq said so many people use the word love in vain...so true!!
@Rethots: Thout art mourning the loss of Chelsea this evening to Roma!!!Just hoping my main man Barack soothes the pain..lol..Dude, I've been so busy with work et al since Thursday, that m just wanting this week to end n its only Tuesday!!Nway how art thou??
Naughty Anonymous...i really need to take of this anonymous option because u defied my rules..lol!!Yess OBAMA made my day!!!
OBAMAFIED INDEED!!! A smile is plastered on my face too.... The Kenyans will be on holiday becoz of this historic victory!
Lust & lust alone dont last... Lust and Love = gr8 combo!!! Shona its hilarious imagining your eyes falling to the nether regions - m sure you be getting you some lust or or... will it be love?? hopefully both! the audacity of hope hanti shamwari??? oh yess
Hey Luv!!!!
We BARACK-ed the vote...and we were heard all around the world!!!!!!!!!!!
It certainly feels good to be an American for once.
@Audzz - audacity of hope will get me some lust henh???..lol..gurl u a trip for real..lmao...and yup my eyes are just outta control n now they connecting wiv the naughty part of my brain starting thinking silly thoughts eg'What does his face look like doing the do?'
@Queen - well done American you've done me proud!!
@Tigeress - WELL DONE GURL!!!!
I love the quote...Pls I am still hoping for love and not lust..and yes it has been a while too lol
I think it always starts with lust-you know its love when you stay after the lust is gone. And yayyyyyy Obama is the 44th president of the USA!!!!
I think most times it starts out at lust..
LMAO! Ur sandals r on their way, stop fussin! Hehe!
Dang, its been ages for me too..
@Miss Love -n gurl its seems its a drought everywhere then..lol...
@NDQ - I agree wiv you hon, i think its all lust @ the beginning and then love comes into the equation.
@Miss Buttercup - all i have to say to you Missy is me want my sandals!!
Already started packin some of George`s stuff out of the WH, at least there will be a bbq in the gardens this year and lost of cousinsin the house needing some favours,and borrowing some sugar LOL,
Now joined the group of those walking the sahara route , dont know how long i will last, but been a good boy so far.LOL
thanks for the comment you left on my blog! I'm following yours and keep up the good writing
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