Monday, 5 October 2009

Pillow Thoughts

If there was a way to read minds
If there was a way to give access to
Inner thoughts, wants and desires
I’d let them be read,
Vowel by vowel
Consonant by consonant
Word for word
Just by you
If long enough you noticed how
My eyes fleet and dart away
From yours
How I stumble to find the words to say
And smile upon hearing your laughter
How many a time I say a silent whisper
Saying your name seductively
How each time when the wind
Brushes against my face I think of it as kiss from you
For the shivers it gives me are the shivers I’d get from you!


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I need a man!! hehehehe!

Very nice post Shona. I like. :)

Anonymous said...

Just poetry or?

Myne said...

Nice lines as usual, so soft and seductive. Me likey!

Azazel said...

Nice lol

Anonymous said...

I am loving the poetry Shona!

Vimbai said...

Inga rather, clearly you're a poet and you know it!

Love the rhymes musikana, keep them coming!

chayomao said...


i need me a man.

Kookie said...

Im liking this poetic renaissance on your blog!

And to madam Vee can she be updating her own blog nhai? lol Its like one increases the blogging the other starts to wane smh

TRYBES said...

NICE..How i wish lovin someone was all this perfect *sigh*..

Rita said...

Shona is hot!!! And the poem is so romantic!

Non-non said...

The vixen is a poet indeed, and she didnt even know it! Niceone my chyna!

ShonaVixen said...

@Tigeress - Yes you are FIRST!!! You n me both hey? Thanks hon, glad u like it!!

@akaBagucci - Poetry or?? I say it is poetry.

@MyneWhitman - Thank you very much..guess m in the soft and seductive frame of mind thats y!

@Controversy - Merci!

@MBLS - thank you very much chica!Shona is trying to be a poet.

ShonaVixen said...

@Vimbai - LOL @ Inga! Why thank u very, yeah I'm reviving the poet in me, that part of me had kinda died but now its back and the poetic fire's burning so I'm giving it a go again! I sure will keep them coming

@Chayoma - thank you hon!! And hope you get your man!!

@K - thanks dhiya! Guess its d state of mind thats got me all poetic n ish..even m loving this me!!
Ehe nhai Vee needs to update, I need her weekly updates to keep me! Vee go on!!

@Trybes - Thank you! Whilst loving some-one isnt perfect, people complicate things, I think..keep it simple not over-rated! The simpler it is the better it is!

@Rita - Thank you darling!! Guess m trying to feel 'romantic' with my words n all..

@Non-Non - Thank you my chyna! Werent not for your support and making me blurb my emotions n ish the poet in me would be lying dormant. So thank you my chyna & *whispering* thanks for ur brother..LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm is good poetry, inspired by REAL sweet pillow thoughts me thinks.. Nice blog!

Unknown said...

Shona, I like this! May your poetic inspiration keep on giving it to you (no pun intended lol!), seriously though, like this side of the Vixen! Go Shona!

Shona Vixen said...

Masterpiece! You're truly talented.

ShonaVixen said...

@LilMissThang - Hmm now would a true poet reveal their inner thoughts??Of course!! Thanks for stopping by and you have a nice blog too!

@MosDef - Damn skippy no pun intended! Thank you cuz, my head's getting bigger n bigger!

@Langa - Thank you very much!

tobenna said...

It'll be nice to the inspiration for this poem.

ShonaVixen said...

@Tobenna - would it now? m sure it would!!

Parakeet said...

You're getting better and better...loving this sis.

ShonaVixen said...

@Parakeet - Thank you very much sis!!!xxx

Afrobabe said...

hmmmmmm sister me, looks like there is something you haven't told me oh....

Me thinks u are in love!!!

ShonaVixen said...

@Afrobabe - my dearest sis of course m in love !!!(with my poetry of

~Sirius~ said...


Really nice.

so, sensual.

ShonaVixen said...

@Sirius - Thanks boo!!

Writefreak said...

Oh i really like...

Can i copy? *wink, wink*

ShonaVixen said...

@Writefreak - hey darling!! Thank u and of course you can copy (just give me a!!)

Jayla. said...

Shona are u sure its d poetry that u r in love with? mhnnn. I like, i like, i like.

Anonymous said...

I started laughing when I read this post- re: If there was a way to read inner thoughts I would let you read them. I was having this conversation with ML the other day and I was saying I would never want to know his and he was saying he would want me to know mine. I think perhaps even at that initial attraction phase one is too vulnerable to even share that - thought provoking- as always

ShonaVixen said...

@Jayla - err yes, plain ol't say anything else!!Glad u like sis xxx

@Zimchic - girlie!!well this can be considered 'momentary thought reading' which is just in that moment coz some things that go on in my head need not be!!so i'm with how you are able to put the thoughts into it! Yep, i like this form of poetry analysis..u remind me of!!

Sunensi Designs said...

love your blog. leaving my footprint :)

ShonaVixen said...

@Sunensi Designs - Thank you very much and do come again..